Entrepreneurship Education For Students Of STT Star's Lub Theological Study Program For The Church's Financial Independence

  • Mona Lintong Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Star's Lub
  • Ermin Alperiana Mosooli Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Star's Lub https://orcid.org/
  • Leo Mardani Ruindungan Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Star's Lub
  • Lefran Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Star's Lub
Keywords: Entrepreneurship Education, theology students, church financial independence


The Theological Department of Star's Lub Theological College (SLTC) has organized entrepreneurship education. One of the goals is to equip students to develop church entrepreneurship if they become pastors in the future. This study aims to determine the extent to which entrepreneurship education can provide students with the ability to build financial independence as part of church entrepreneurship. The research was conducted in two stages by combining qualitative and quantitative methods. The first stage examines the entrepreneurial abilities of 12 final-semester students who have completed entrepreneurship education, focusing on knowledge, skills, and entrepreneurial character. The method used is quantitative. The second stage uses a qualitative approach by examining the entrepreneurship education program organized by the Theological Department. The informants involved were the Chairperson of SLTC, the Deputy Head of Academic Affairs of SLTC, and lecturers in entrepreneurship courses. The results showed that the final semester students of SLTC did not yet have adequate abilities to develop the church's financial independence in the future. Entrepreneurship education is limited in curriculum, learning strategies, lecturers who support courses, and the entrepreneurial atmosphere.


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How to Cite
Lintong, M., Mosooli, E. A., Ruindungan, L. M., & Lefran, L. (2021). Entrepreneurship Education For Students Of STT Star’s Lub Theological Study Program For The Church’s Financial Independence. VISIO DEI: JURNAL TEOLOGI KRISTEN, 3(2), 217-237. https://doi.org/10.35909/visiodei.v3i2.240
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